Friday 1 May 2015



    PALESTINIAN FIGHTER                     By: Zulhakim
         What is happening on Palestinian land today? We hear that this holy land is always under attack by the Zionist regime charming Palestinian land began in 1944. And that's illegal nation known as Israel was born in the land of Palestine.
Today we want to present the stories of Palestinian fighters we've heard since childhood. Palestinian fighters who seek to liberate their land, which was occupied by Israel. Palestinian fighters have several groups.  Among the most famous is "Harakat Al-Muqawama Al-Islamiah" which is called Hamas for the short form. There are also fighters of other groups that are still active in the struggle for Palestinian land, among them Al-Qassam Brigades, the Islamic Jihad Movement, Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, and Al-Quds Brigades.

There is some strange events that happened that we never know.                     
I would like to tell you some Miracle and strange events that happened after the attacks on Gaza from the Israeli army.


Events 1
A Mujahid General Gaza said when the battle, the Mujahideen commander ordered fighters did not shoot Jews tanks entering their territory. By leveraging the remaining 6 RPG, suddenly the weapon fired at the tanks and destroy it. The commander shouted to not shoot and the fighters said they did not. They said their weapon suddenly malfunctioned and hit a target. After the expiry of that strange scene, the fighters found the remaining 6 RPG was still not in use! And who fired the Zionist army?

Events 2
There is news that the first missile launched by Israel to Gaza on the target of their own soldiers! And it's turned back!

Events 3
  This is the most interesting events that has ever happened to the Palestinian mujahideen. He was among the first three commissioned by Hamas as suicide fighters were assigned to blow themselves up in Israel in the 1990s. He and two friends had managed to sneak into Israel. However, at some time, they were detected by Israel and their continue to blow themselves up.
  Two other companions were martyred, but he was seriously injured. He was in hospital in Israel for over 2 months. After that, he was taken to hospital and put in a dungeon Israel. He was tortured by Israel Military with various forms of torture until he tells what kind of tribulations that you know, I've been there.
   However, in Israeli detention he did not reveal anything that could affect the Hamas information. What comes out of his mouth is 'La ilahaillallah'. After being tortured with a very extreme torture, he confirmed 'dead' by Israel and brought back to Gaza for burial.

   Once into the Gaza earth, he came to life with the power of God. Glory to Allah, the God who is able to turn off one and revive. He was treated in hospital for over a month Gaza. He is partially paralyzed as a result of the explosion. However, the spirit to keep fighting to free Palestine has never faded.


Why the existence of HAMAS   

(Harakat al-Muqawwamatul Islamiyyah) HAMAS  did not appear suddenly. It is also not appear due to disappointment of some faction of Fatah as it had claimed. HAMAS movement refers to a long struggle.
Hamas claimed it back to the struggle Sheikh Izzuddin al-Qassam Palestinian Revousi late 1936. To be sure, the struggle of HAMAS as described in their constitution, is due to the movement of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen (IM). IM movement was formed in Egypt as early as 1928 again.
Basically, the objective is to enforce Islamic Hamas and Jihad to liberate Palestine from Israel, which came into existence at the beginning of 1944. Al-Qassam Brigades is the military wing of Hamas, which became famous in 2009 after a counter attack on the Zionist army in the middle of the month March.


The tragedy of July 2014: Gaza Under Attack 

In June we announced the opening of the FIFA 2014 in Brazil. We can see that the whole world took note of the  Date of FIFA 2014 football tournament starting on 12 June until 13 July. But unexpectedly, on July 8, 2014 Gaza was attacked by Israel during the 2014 FIFA World Cup matches live air strikes were carried out by Israeli forces targeting over 20 tunnels is a tunnels Hamas military hideout. after the incident, the Israeli army continued its air attacks on citizens of Gaza with 230 people killed and 1690 injured were listed in July 16, 2014.
     After the incident, the awareness of Muslims around the world to become outraged. But even the Muslim community was upset they did not help a little physical help to the Palestinian people due of the incident. But the Muslim community to provide assistance to their basic needs such as food or clothing. And in a short time, began the rise of Al-Qassam Brigades is a military wing of Hamas rise up against the Israeli army. With equipment and supplies weapons they have, there is no more powerful weapon for them except the Quran. Al-Qassam military members before they fight, they are encouraged to read some verses of the Quran and do the dawn prayer in congregation.
Then they make physical training and began launching attacks on Israeli soldiers.
Of attacks launched against Israel, a group of Israeli soldiers to be afraid when conducting operations in Gaza. What is heard in the media, only two Israeli soldiers were killed in the operation in Gaza. But the truth was disseminated through social media on the internet that actually 20 Israeli soldiers were killed and 135 wounded.
     And a growing number of Israeli soldiers who died from the incident. Israeli president asks Hamas to agree to the ceasefire called for by the head of department of the IDF (Israel Defend Force). But Hamas held a number of conditions for agreeing to the ceasefire.
Among the conditions imposed by Hamas is:

- Release all prisoners Palestinians in Israeli jails.
- IDF should come out of the Gaza Strip.
- Stop stalking Gaza using drones.
(And others that I didn't submitted)



August 27, 2014 the Gaza victory.

 -   The official Palestinian news agency, Wafa reported that Abbas received a phone call from Haniyeh to inform about the situation in Gaza after the ceasefire agreement was reached on Wednesday.
-     Hamas movement controls Gaza while Abbas of Fatah movement controls the West Bank administration in Palestine.
-    The streets were quiet in Gaza following the attack the Israeli military air and sea before returning filled with cars and people after the ceasefire agreed by both parties
-    Population are jubilant because Israel closed Gaza border reopened following the ceasefire agreement.
-   Thousands of flag-waving supporters of the movement at a rally on the first day of truce. Israel attacks occurred during the eight days of the reply to Palestinian rocket attacks.
-    The ceasefire called on Israel to cease all military activities on land, sea and air, including attacks against the Palestinian people. Hamas rocket fire fighters also halted due to the ceasefire.
-    Israel will also allow the movement of Palestinian people and goods through Gaza border agreement reached by both parties.
-    During the attack, the Israeli army said more than 1,500 targets in Gaza was attacked
-    1,354 Palestinian militants launched rocket attacks on Israeli territory.
-    According to Hamas Health Ministry, a total of 163 Palestinians dead and 1,235 injured, Five Israelis were killed and 280 injured.
-    Meanwhile, Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal said Israel failed in the attack.


    And now, we have reached at the end of the last part.                                                                                                                           You might like to hear about the conflict in Palestine. And wanted to know more than that about the events and phenomena occurring in Gaza.  If you have a passion for being a Palestinian Fighters, you can! As a Muslim, it is also our responsibility to defend the oppressed Muslim brothers and sisters by the Kuffar (such as Israel, Shia, and Terrorism). to become a Mujahideen is not easy, there are ways to perfected yourself before going to fight.
 As examples of Al-Qassam Brigades (the military wing of Hamas). To become one of their members are the conditions that you have to complete compulsory.

The conditions to be a member of Al-Qassam Brigades:

1) Obtain permission from parents - this is not complicated for the average parents want their children in the Palestinian martyrs.

2) Obtaining the consent of the head of the mosque in the place of residence certifying that: for 3 consecutive months this young man did not leave Fajr prayers in congregation in the mosque.

3) Members of Hamas and Al-Qassam is not only immoral, cigarette smoking was not.

4) Each member must learn Interpretation Al-Quran.

5) Each member is required to read the Quran day one juz '.

6) Each member must memorize 40 Hadith Arba'in (Imam Nawawi).

7) perform fasting.

8) high intelligence - evidence that many of their members do martyrdom all those Hafaz Quran, scientists and intellectuals in Palestine.

9) always present at the councils and Halaqah science education.

So, all that I share with you all, and what I present today, I want you to realize that not only the Palestinian nation that became victim the oppressed and attacked, Many other Muslim countries afflicted, are being at war, and fighting with the others. In fact, as Muslims this is our responsibility to help the Muslims of misfortune. So where are all the Muslims who are in a safe condition? Where goes all the Muslims during the Muslim brothers and sisters  need our help others? So open your eyes. That the end of time there will be an enormous war that will take place throughout the world. 4th phase will be opened by the followers of the Antichrist (Dajjal). It was nearing an end. prepare yourself from now on.                                                                         

So a big thank you to all my friends. I feel proud to be able put forward what I presented earlier.